I have been in contact recently with some very isolated and sheltered Christians. I can't say that I like them very much. I know I should love them, and in Christ I do, but they are annoying me. On Saturday I had a nice evening off, where I was watching The Sandlot, a great throwback to my childhood. In the movie there is a scene where the kids get their hands on Chewing Tobacco. They chew on it and get sick and throw up at the fair. I absolutely love that scene. In fact, I thought to myself that I want my kids to do that, or at least something similar. Life cannot be experienced in a bubble and for them to be effective members of society, and effective Christians, I think they need these experiences. I don't want them to do something like drink and drive, but a little mischief that they will have to pay the consequences for is cool with me. I want to be less isolated than I am. I would love to see the church, particularly my church be less isolated. My church is so isolated other Christians can't relate to us, let alone the non-Christians. If we continue, it will be not good.
Also, its spring, and although it is going to snow today and tomorrow, I have been enjoying the sun and warmth and golf.
Also, the Masters is this week...Go Tiger.